What is Marketing Mix 4Ps?

A combination of marketing elements is used as a marketing mix translation into a marketing mix or 4p marketing. System elements and a coordinating attitude should be established between these components. to be able to influence customers…

The world’s first foldable iPhone

In this folding iPhone, which was made by a Chinese YouTuber, some custom parts are used, as well as the Motorola Razr folding phone hinge. Recently, when the foldable phone market has boomed and many manufacturers have introduced their…

What is a startup? Untold secrets

In this article, we examine the concept of a startup(What is a startup?) in a more detailed and accurate way and introduce some terms such as startup ideas, startup history, the difference between a startup and traditional businesses, and…

What is Brandbook? Untold secrets

"What is Brandbook?" is a question for most business owners. Before explaining the concept of brand book application; Imagine that someone hands you a very stylish business card and asks you to consider working with them. You take his card…

Top 10 Grey hat techniques

Grey hat techniques; When it comes to SEO, SEO professionals can be very creative in how they use different techniques to get better search engine rankings. If you're interested in site optimization, you've probably heard a lot about SEO;…

What is Niche marketing strategy?

"What is niche marketing or marketing niche definition" is a question that for better understanding, we want to start with an example. Stay with us. In 2001, the 157-year-old American brewery faced a severe recession that brought…

Brand name development process_Specialized

Brand name development process; One of the most important steps in designing a brand identity is choosing a brand name or brand name, as it often plays a central role between the core elements of branding and positioning and creates…

Best time to post on LinkedIn 2024

The best time to post on LinkedIn is one of the most challenging debates on this social network. Since activity on LinkedIn is usually done with the goal of interaction, posting when there are more users online brings us closer to our goal.…

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