What is Brandbook? Untold secrets

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“What is Brandbook?” is a question for most business owners. Before explaining the concept of brand book application; Imagine that someone hands you a very stylish business card and asks you to consider working with them. You take his card and check the website, brochures, pictures, etc.

But…! After this tour, we have the feeling of a person who has been given the wrong address! as if they lied to us; As if the owner of the card is one person and the owner of the website is another person! We feel that the same quality that we see on his business card is not seen on his website and…

How to prevent this from happening?

To eliminate this feeling, we need to integrate everything, as if they all speak the same language; It is as if they are all from the same family and the same collection. Things like:

Website | Photos Logos and logos Colors Marketing activities Slogans and claims of your brand The way you deal with the customer The tone of your writings and…

Brandbook is very important for any organization.

It should be integrated and aligned; Otherwise, you cannot claim to have a brand. Earlier in the article “What is branding?” We have talked about the whole concept of brand name and branding. In the series of branding articles, we have tried to talk about different aspects of branding, its tricks, and its basics.

What is a brand book
What is a brand book?

What is Brandbook?

The Brand Book is a collection of principles and rules that answer the question: “How should your brand be displayed?” or “How and what does your brand do?”.

What is brandbook include?

The book brand includes the following:

  • An overview of the history of your brand personality and goals
  • Brand Terminology
  • Fixed advertising logo, logo, and slogan (along with its explanation, why this logo? Why this slogan?)
  • Examples of the correct and incorrect state of your logo
The structure of environmental advertising
The structure of environmental advertising
  • Your brand color
  • Exclusive brand font
  • Business card, its design method, and its concepts

If you have just launched your brand, these elements can determine the overall shape of your brand; But more details such as the following options are also included in the brand booklet:

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The structure of environmental advertising

which consisted of:

  • The structure of mainboards and agencies
  • Signboards for entrances
  • Interior Architecture
  • The structure of holding conferences, seminars, and…
  • the flags
  • Sine boards
  • Advertising stands and banners
  • Structure of video ads
  • The structure of photos in advertising materials
  • How to use the logo as a subset and Co-Branding
  • The structure of television subtitles
  • Email structure
  • The style of writing advertising texts and copyrights
  • Product packaging
  • The structure of handbags
  • Transport vehicles
  • Distances and sizes of the logo in Ansar’s bank card
  • The structure of points of sale
  • Examples of the structure of sales points include the following:
  • Structure of the exhibition stands
  • The structure of the exhibition stands
  • Staff uniforms
  • Gift brigade

Also, photography style, general website structures, and guidelines for editors, graphic designers, and copywriters are among other things that are included in the brand book.

These rules and regulations that you have designed for your brand should be such that editors, copywriters, graphic artists, photographers, etc., have their hands open for creativity, but a series of fixed frameworks will integrate and direct them in a way that evokes your brand.

What is a brand book
What is a brand book?

The best time to write a brandbook

The best time to design and write a brand brochure is when it is written by a branding agency, at the same time as the beginning of the activities of the marketing agency (with which you work), and at the same time as your logo design. In this way, your activities will be more integrated.

The Book brand can be changed!

After writing the brand book, there is nothing wrong with working on it later. For example, to improve and develop your brand, you can hire a graphic designer (preferably the graphic designer who designed your brand brochure) and make changes if necessary. Always keep the way open to improve yourself and your brand. (It is better to leave all these steps to a branding agency.)

Know what audience you are designing the brand book

Before designing the brand book, we should pay attention to who is going to receive, read and use our brand book. Knowing the audience in the design of the brand booklet will help you to present the framework of the brand perception in a more understandable way.

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For example, if your brand book is going to be sent to people outside your company, you should pay attention not to use any unintelligible, internal words or technical things that are difficult for other people to understand. Instead, the tone should be friendly to lead people to interact with it in addition to easy understanding.

The tone in the brand book should be friendly!

Where has your brand been used before?

If you have changed the logo, font or colors, etc. in the brand brochure, you need to take a look at the brand’s advertising records and activities and compile a list of all the spaces where the brand has been present (note that the smallest and most detailed spaces are also important. ) then start making changes to all items in the list.

Brand book, An obstacle to wasting money

For your marketing, advertising, branding, and almost all promotional activities, you will need third parties such as graphic designers, copywriters, advertising, etc.

There is a very high possibility that if they want to design a banner, slogan, billboard, mug, etc. for you, they will not understand the main concept of your brand; Create designs that are not aligned with your brand or sometimes even against the main goals of your brand!

By using the brand booklet, you will avoid some of their common mistakes and as a result waste of money and time.

The brand booklet prevents wasting time!

How many pages should the brand brochure be?

Brand books can range from one page to hundreds of pages, depending on the complexity of the brand, visual elements, and marketing materials you produce.

For example, a website with a logo, typography, and colors, without any offline activity, can only have a brand brochure page. But a company with different dimensions of activities, marketing, and advertising measures needs a detailed and longer brand book to clarify the set standards.

However, your brand brochure should not be longer than necessary. On the other hand, it should be detailed enough to show the importance of information about your brand.

Make the book brand creatively!

Brand books display the level of creativity of your brand; There is no specific rule for creating a brand brochure. Use this issue and be creative to create more “brand awareness” as a result. Of course, there is no rule that your brand book must be in PDF format, you can keep everything on the web and online to easily use all the creative elements you want. Just keep in mind not to complicate it and always pay attention to keeping the content simple and accessible.

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Tips about brandbook design

A brand book is a living document and needs changes from time to time. Consider a specific time (for example, 6 months) to review it.

Provide a copy of the brand book to all your employees, especially the design and marketing teams.

If you want your brand guide to be complete, include this information in the design elements section:
1. Layout related to the website
2. Format and structure of environmental advertising (size of banners, brochures, etc.)
3. Design a template for social networks
4. How to write ads and report ads
5. Product packaging structure
6. Special writing considerations

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a brand book?

Brandbook is a complete guide on a brand identity that covers all the standards and details related to the brand. These standards are a summary of everything related to the brand, from branding strategies, fonts, writing themes, colors, and tone of interaction in marketing activities with the audience to the smallest elements of the brand identity (Brand Identity) that are in the logo or It includes the slogan of the brand name.

What parts does the brand book include?

The main components of the book brand are:

  • An about section
  • Visual guidelines
  • Communication guidelines

What is the use of Brandbook?

  • Brand Book helps with brand integrity.
  • The brand booklet leads to the formation of trust in the brand.
  • Brandbook increases brand effectiveness.
  • The Brand Handbook will help you achieve growth and success.

Who uses the book brand?

The brand book, which contains all the main brand standards, can be useful for all those who deal with your brand in some way.

All company employees are members of the marketing and branding department, web designers, graphic designers, product packaging department, and research team. and developed, so third-party marketing teams or agencies that assist the brand in promotional activities need a brand manual.

Final word

When you have your unique brand book, customers will know your brand well. A brand book is very important to keep your brand identity distinct. This booklet ensures that your brand stays in the mind of the audience by staying true to the colors, logo, and other elements that make up your business, and it’s a trusted experience for everyone.

In this article, we talked about What is Brandbook, but we believe that we can still use your experience to produce a better and more comprehensive article.
Share your experiences with us.

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