How to make a good linkedin company page

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In November 2018, LinkedIn added the LinkedIn Business account to the main platform in an update. This new feature allows LinkedIn users to follow their favorite businesses by following the LinkedIn company page and being aware of the latest company news and is a practical way for online businesses, online stores, organizations, and institutions to communicate. effective with their audience.

Also, LinkedIn provides LinkedIn company page functionality to all internet businesses of different sizes. It doesn’t matter if you are a large company with thousands of employees or the owner of an online store with the least number of employees!

There are a lot of important things happening on LinkedIn. People post the latest updates, professionals add new job requests, sales professionals engage with potential clients, and all LinkedIn users from all walks of life connect, converse, and build effective working relationships.

With almost 600 million users, this amount of activity is not far from expected. As a result, by not having a LinkedIn business account for online businesses and online stores, you will be one step behind your competitors in the field of online business.

Company Page LinkedIn provides a unique way for organizations to stay away from the margins. This guide will help you use LinkedIn effectively in three steps:

How to make a good LinkedIn company page

1. Create a new LinkedIn page.
Go to the LinkedIn site and visit the “LinkedIn marketing solution” section. In the list “above, select the “LinkedIn Page” option and click on “Create a LinkedIn Page.

Log in to your LinkedIn profile
Log in to your LinkedIn profile

If you are already logged in to LinkedIn and if you currently have an account; In your panel, tap the “Work” drop-down menu in the upper right corner and click “Create a Company Page +” from the bottom of the screen.

Create a Company Page
Create a Company Page

2. Select the size and type of your company.

Select the size of your internet business from the two options given to you by LinkedIn. (Note the other two options for creating a showcase page or creating a LinkedIn page for an educational institution, you do not need to provide this information.)

compay page linkedin
company page Linkedin

We choose small businesses to continue learning how to create a corporate page.

3. Complete your company profile.
In the next step, the details and information of your online store will be requested. Complete your business details. Only some details are required, but we recommend that you complete this step.

how to make a good linkedin company page
how to make a good LinkedIn company page

We want to check the different parts of this form together.


Enter the name of your company or online store to improve searchability and visibility as easily as possible.

Public LinkedIn URL:

As you enter your online business name, LinkedIn will automatically enter the URL that matches your name. Ideally, your URL will be the name of your company or online store. Completing this process will stabilize your online identity.

If your online store name is unavailable or too long, choose a similar and recognizable URL, such as one of your social media categories or a shortened version of your brand name.


Enter the address of your online store. Although not required, this information is very important because it connects LinkedIn followers to your internet business website.


Choose your online business field from the drop-down list provided by LinkedIn. This information helps LinkedIn categorize your company for page visitors.

Organization Size :

Select your company size from the range provided.

Organization type :

Choose your company type from the options provided.

Public LinkedIn URL
Public LinkedIn URL


Choose a high-quality logo that matches the logos you’ve designed and uploaded to your other social media accounts. This is important so that new followers can get to know your brand and company page.

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Important note: The selected logo size must be 300 x 300 pixels.

Tagline :

Briefly and usefully describe the general activity of your internet business in 120 characters. To save time and complete the process of creating a LinkedIn company page, it is better to use the description tagline and your online store, available on other social networks or your website. You will be able to change these descriptions later.

After finishing and completing the desired sections, check the confirmation box at the “bottom and click on the “create page.

4. Complete your LinkedIn page.
After completing the above steps, the last step should be the admin view of your LinkedIn company page that LinkedIn will show you. This is the behind-the-scenes dashboard through which you can edit the page.

Complete your LinkedIn page
Complete your LinkedIn page

If you’re building your company page from scratch, LinkedIn shows up by providing a checklist of what you need to complete your page.

By completing the mentioned items, new features such as inviting friends and suggestions about useful content will be opened to you, which will help in the growth of your company page.

Let’s review the important things to do to complete your LinkedIn company page:

Description :

Add an About Us section to your online store’s LinkedIn company page that describes your company well.

The description you write should be longer than your intended title. This section should include relevant keywords and phrases that can help people find your page on LinkedIn and through search engines. You can write your description up to 2000 characters. Also, LinkedIn gives you the ability to complete this section in multiple languages.

Location :

Specify the location of your company or online business. You will be able to add multiple locations by mentioning the name in this section of LinkedIn. At the very least, consider adding your corporate headquarters or location.

Cover page:

Consider a suitable cover for your company page to create the most interaction with your audience and visitors and attract them to your business or online store. Many brands around the world upload a different version of their logo or their latest advertising or marketing graphic.

This photo should be 1,128 x 191 pixels.


Although hashtagging is not as common on LinkedIn as on other social networks, hashtags on your page are a unique way to connect with your followers and create engagement and engagement with your posts.
Add up to three hashtags that are related to your company, industry, and audience. These hashtags will be added and placed on your page in the box titled “community hashtag“.

You can also add additional information by entering a phone number, the year your company was founded, and any LinkedIn groups you’d like to feature on your page.

Congratulations! Your LinkedIn Company Pages are now created and ready to share. Continue searching around your page to complete all fields and features.

Below are some LinkedIn best practices to help your company page use your page to grow your online business.

The best practices of LinkedIn Company Pages

1. Complete all the details of your LinkedIn company page.

2. Add important page managers.

3. Update your pictures.

4. Share content relevant to your business and interact with your followers.

5. Customize your CTA.

6. Involve your employees in your online business activities.

Follow these six tips and tricks to optimize your LinkedIn company page.

1. Complete all the details of your LinkedIn company page.
According to LinkedIn’s algorithm, fully completed LinkedIn Company Pages get 30% more views than other company pages.

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Take your time and complete all the details on the page, even the ones that aren’t necessary. The more details and information you provide about your company and online store, the easier it will be for people (Best customers) to find and connect with you.

It also leads to educating people who are interested in investing in your internet business.

2. Add admin to the company page of your online store.
Maintaining and managing a LinkedIn company page alone can be a difficult task; Especially if your team has already created several social networks and accounts on different social networks.
After creating the page, don’t forget to add more admin to your company page to make it easier for you and your internet business to update and manage it.

To add a new admin to your page, click “Admin Tools” then Page “Manage Admin” in the top right corner of your company page.

linkedin admin tools
LinkedIn admin tools

The box below allows you to manage all admins on your page. As you can see, there are five types of admins you can add to your page. LinkedIn explains them here in detail and the access they have.

To add an admin to your company page, you must first connect to them. To do this, simply type the person’s name, select them, and click Save Changes.

linkedin admin
LinkedIn admin

3. Keep your images up to date.

Your logo and cover photo are very important. Your logo and banner visually represent your brand and create effective interaction with visitors to your company page.
Keep these images up-to-date with your latest branding and marketing activities and tools.

Choosing up-to-date and functional images is key not only for a seamless social presence, but also to ensuring your LinkedIn company page matches your website, online store, blog, and other digital marketing content.
Doing so will increase brand awareness and help new customers, employees, and fans discover your brand on LinkedIn.

4. Share content relevant to your business and engage with your followers.

Like any other social network, you can’t just create an account and leave it alone.
Creating a LinkedIn company page is only half the way. After completing the creation of the company page, we reach the most important part, i.e. creating content suitable for your internet business.
To start and start working on LinkedIn, it is better to continuously share relevant posts with your audience so that you have created a successful interaction with your audience and also informed and marketed in this way.

If you think of LinkedIn as a movie scene, updates about your products and services, job opportunities, trends, or news about your brand are the on-stage happenings, and the behind-the-scenes content includes the lives of employees, product development and improvement, or other The content is unique.

LinkedIn Company Pages
LinkedIn Company Pages

LinkedIn also offers users a feature called the “Content Suggestions tool” that helps you find the content that is currently generating the most engagement with your audience. Tap on Content Suggestions in the menu at the top of your page and filter. Update for your audience and apply it to your audience.

Tap on “View Content Suggestions” and you will be shown a stream of content based on the selected topic and audience parameters.
You can further edit the filters in the left menu, you can add or remove content topics in the top section.

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This tool shows you the engagement rate of popular or trending content and makes it easy to share this content with your audience on your LinkedIn company page for your online store.

As always, don’t forget to engage with your audience. Like, comment on, and share posts uploaded by your followers and connections on your LinkedIn company page. It reminds them that there are people behind the scenes of your LinkedIn company page who care about them.

5. Personalize your call to action.

On your LinkedIn company page, below the logo and next to the “Follow +” button, you’ll find a button (CTA). LinkedIn allows you to customize this CTA to better engage your audience.

To do this, tap the pencil icon next to your CTA. Make sure the Personalization button option is turned on. Doing this on your LinkedIn company page will generate more engagement.

Choose a name for this button from the drop-down menu and enter a URL. Use these settings to direct followers to your website, online store, landing pages, event registrations, and more. Internet businesses will be able to increase the click rate and traffic of their online store with this LinkedIn feature.

6. Involve your employees in your online business activities.

Your employees are one of your best brand advocates. This is especially noticeable on LinkedIn more than on other social networks.
As you develop your LinkedIn company page, encourage your employees to follow and interact with it.
Also, ask each employee to add your company as the place where they work to their page, as this will link their profile to yours and vice versa.
This is a useful resource when increasing the audience of a new page of customers and potential employees. Also, the number of employees working in your online store or business is displayed on the LinkedIn company page.

Finally, link to your LinkedIn company page.

More than 60% of consumers trust a brand’s social media over its advertising. Your LinkedIn company page contributes to these statistics and in turn helps to boost awareness, trust, and social activity of your brand and your online store.

Use this guide to develop your LinkedIn Company Pages and connect with new customers, employees, investors, and followers to increase your reach among competing online businesses and online stores with similar products.

Frequently asked questions about creating a company page on LinkedIn

How often should we post on a company page on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn’s recommendation for company pages is three times a week.

Is it free to create a company page on LinkedIn?
Yes, anyone with a company name and email address can create a LinkedIn page for free in minutes.

How to optimize the LinkedIn company page in Google search?
For this, your LinkedIn page must have a unique name, on the other hand; You need to have good activity and interaction on LinkedIn. Google automatically optimizes you on its search page.

Can a personal account be converted to a corporate account?
No, this is not possible. Unlike Instagram, where you can combine business and personal accounts, in LinkedIn, at the very beginning, you must specify what your intention is to create a page.

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