How to see linkedin statistics | 2 attractive methods

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Today, when many businesses and people with different goals are on social networks. Examining the criteria and qualifications of each social network in the form of communication with users can provide us with useful information. It’s great to hear the rationale for this assessment from Hootsuite’s director of customer relations, Gerard Recio:
without reviewing and calculating the results of our efforts on social networks, how can we understand whether our strategy has been successful on these networks or not? For this reason, we must use analysis tools to check our activities on social networks. This way, we can determine our main goals and then create short-term and long-term goals.
According to Gerard Sio, in this blog post, we will show you a method to check LinkedIn posts and articles through the analytics panel of this social network. First, we’ll show you how to use LinkedIn’s analytics dashboard, and then we’ll discuss the metrics LinkedIn shows for each post on a user account and business account.
LinkedIn metrics are evidence of our marketing efforts. This data allows us to measure our success more accurately. It also gives him the insight he needs to prove and improve his ROI on social media. In this blog post, I tried to introduce you to the most important available metrics of LinkedIn measurement and analytics, as well as analytics dashboards for this social network.
Before reading the article, you can watch the following video and read the additional information in the rest of the article
The LinkedIn analytics dashboard can give us a good idea of ​​the content published, the golden moment of content publication, etc.;
For example, which publication most interested our subscribers, and which they did not like. These analytics help us to optimize the performance of our user account or business account on LinkedIn, resulting in the highest engagement with our subscribers.

User Account Analysis

in the user account, The amount of information LinkedIn provides us is very limited. Here we read a description of them.
  • Who Viewed Your Profile:
    There are users who have seen our account.
  • Post Viewer:
    It indicates the number of views of our published articles.
  • Search Appearances:
    How many times our account was shown to LinkedIn users in search results in the last seven days?
  • Views of Your Post:
    The number of times LinkedIn users viewed our posts.
  • Comments :
    This is the number of comments that LinkedIn users leave on our posts.
  • Likes 
    This is the number of likes that LinkedIn users have placed on our posts.
  • Reshares :
    A number of reposts of our posts by LinkedIn users.
    see LinkedIn statistics
    see LinkedIn statistics

Visitor analysis (Visitors)

  • Traffic :
    This metric shows the number of unique visitors to each page and the number of page views over time. By clicking on the menu, we can choose other criteria and dates. The charts we see update data 24 hours after the end of the previous day and do not represent today’s data or the previous day as a whole.
  •  All Page :
    This metric shows the details of our website.
  •  All Career Page:
    If you have a professional page This graph shows the number of times visitors clicked on different elements of your page. This criterion may be useful for people who work in the Human Resources department of a company. Because using this can identify people who are interested in the position.
  •  Page Views:
    An image showing the number of visits to our business page.
  •   Unique Visitors :
    Graph showing how many LinkedIn users visited our page. The difference between this metric and pageviews is that it doesn’t take into account repeated visits by a user to the same page.
  •  Visitor Demographics :
    This is what separates our company followers. This standard includes five types of demographic information. By clicking the menu and selecting the desired filter, we can view information related to work history, industry, job duties, geography, and the size of the individual’s company.
  •  Total Life Page Traffic :
    This metric shows the number of views and unique visitors to our bio page. With the help of the table, we can separate visits based on different pages; Like targeted visits. This table also contains information about all published and unpublished pages.

Analysis of updates

  • Engagement Highlights:
    It shows the total number of likes, comments, and shares, as well as new followers for different time periods.
  • Likes:
    Shows the number of likes at different times.
  • Comments:
    It shows the number of comments at different times.
  • Shares:
    It shows the number of shares in different periods.
  • Follows:
    It shows the number of followers in different time periods.
  • Engagement :
    Shows engagement metrics for organic and sponsored content over time. From this list, we can select other criteria and desired dates.
  • Sponsored:
    Shows our sponsored campaigns. To get more information on sponsored content, we should read this link.
  • Update Engagement:
    It shows organic and sponsored interaction metrics for each post separately.

LinkedIn company page statistics

LinkedIn Business account analytics are divided into three categories: Visitors, Updates, and Followers. In the following, I will explain each part. On LinkedIn’s company page, there’s a menu on the left side of the page, and each of the options presents us with a range of information, including the following:
  • Unique visitors
  • New followers
  • Post impressions
  • Custom button click
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LinkedIn Business Page Analytics Dashboard

The LinkedIn Analytics dashboard is the main area for monitoring the performance of our user page. This dashboard is the second option on the company page, located in the upper left corner of the company page. In this section, we present the following three categories of data in detail.
  • Visitors: information about people who visit our website.
  • Updates: Engagement methods for content published on LinkedIn.
  • Followers: numerical and demographic information about the people who share our page.
Click on each of them to get more details about the data analyzed. By enabling time filtering, you can also see the progress and changes of your business page in three categories: Visitors, Updates, and Followers at different times.
Next, analyze your LinkedIn page. LinkedIn’s analytics feature allows you to extract data from your existing database and perform data analysis using it.

Analysis of LinkedIn business information

Analyzing LinkedIn posts has a different menu than a general analysis of LinkedIn business page activity. This section is designed for each post separately. We can check this data by clicking on the statistics displayed in the lower right corner of each post.
  • Impressions:
    It measures the impact of a post.
  • Reactions:
    Measure users’ responses to posts.
  • Click-through rate:
    It shows the number of clicks each post received.
  • Comments:
    Shows the number of comments received for each post.
  • Shares:
    Shows the number of posts shared by your audience.
  • Clicks:
    Shows the number of people who have clicked on the post.
  • Engagement rate:
    This option measures audience engagement by measuring viewer behavior on a post.

In this article, we talked about How to see LinkedIn statistics, but we are of the opinion that we can still use your experience to produce a better and more comprehensive article.
Share your experiences with us.

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Rayabaan team has developed a tool called LinkedIn Video Downloader for your convenience in order to download LinkedIn videos.

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