What is branding and why is it important?

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To compete in today’s world, you need different tools. It doesn’t matter if you are the owner of a business and brand or you want to appear as an expert in the competitive market; Branding and standing out among competitors is an important principle that is achieved in several stages. When you know what your branding goal is in the world of digital marketing; You should do this based on certain principles and rules so that it leaves a positive impact on the mind of the audience and the user.

Many people who have just entered the world of business or services are not fully familiar with the concept of branding; Even if they have heard a brief definition of it, they do not know exactly when and at which stage they should start promoting their business or personal brand.

You are probably asking yourself what is branding and what are its rules. To find the answer to this question, stay with Rushdana until the end of the article; Because we want to introduce you to the world of branding and its types.

It is at this time that branding or branding will become very important. If you do a little research or ask those around you, you will find that some dairy brands have been famous for many years and have been able to maintain their position with power.

Having quality products has made you attract loyal customers, but if you do not do well in the field of branding, just having quality products can not guarantee your success. So no matter what field you are in, you need to know enough about branding. Especially if you are new to the job and want to gain a special place among the competitors.


What is branding and why is it important?

First of all, it is necessary to form a proper definition of this title and concept in the mind of the audience so that they know more precisely what they are facing; Branding or branding strategy refers to all the activities that the brand management group in a company or digital branding agency does so that the commercial business or real person achieves a favorable position in the minds of the audience.

Based on this definition, in your opinion, what is the purpose of branding? To answer this question, you must pay attention to the goals of that natural person or business company; Because different branding methods are used based on different perspectives, but in general, branding goals can be summarized in the following two cases:

  • Increasing the awareness of the audience towards the brand: the audience gains awareness about the various details of the brand.
  • Strengthening the position of the brand in the audience’s mind: based on the completion of the audience’s awareness in the previous stage, the position of the brand in his mind is strengthened until it reaches sufficient stability and is stabilized.

So, according to the things mentioned above, it is very important to choose the right brand to promote and dominate the mind of the audience. Branding and branding are used to make a product, service, organization, or geographic point better known, which ultimately forms all kinds of branding. In the following, we will examine the types of branding.

What is the meaning of branding?

Perhaps if you ask business owners who do not specialize in branding, they will say that designing a logo and a suitable name for the company will mean the same branding. But this is just a simple definition.

Branding can be defined as the mentality of people towards your company. If people have a good and positive attitude towards your company name, you will be able to succeed in branding.

Therefore, if we want to have a correct definition of branding, we must state that the meaning of branding, Creating a successful image of your company’s name and products is in the minds of people and customers so that they always remember it and if they need products related to your services, they will come to your company immediately.

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By that definition, you realize the importance of intense branding. In fact, through thorough branding, you can draw the audience’s attention to your business and use this opportunity to gain their trust and increase sales.

That’s why in the field of Internet businesses Or traditionally, we always emphasize that you dedicate part of your expenses and activities to branding, because on the one hand you have to provide quality services and on the other hand you have to gain people’s trust in the quality of your services and business, and this Important only through Principled branding will be possible.

branding proces

What are the types of branding?

  • Co-branding: two brands work together to achieve the other’s goals and interests.
  • Digital Branding: Digital branding is the use of the digital world and the Internet such as search engines, social networks, and the web in general for business and commercial purposes.
  • Personal branding: It is called a person’s way to gain credibility and stand out among other competitors.
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What are the stages of branding?

To start the branding process, you must first consider its different stages and determine the initial plan of your program. In this section, you can see the common and basic parts between the types of branding:

  • Logo design: This image and symbol is the main characteristic and identity of your brand in the mind of the audience, which can be a graphic image or a signature.
  • Designing a slogan or brand message: What are the services, products, and, in general, the benefits of your brand for the audience? Send it to the user in the form of a short message.
  • Choosing a brand voice: This voice is specific to your brand and should be used in all your ads and campaigns. Based on your brand personality, your brand voice is either formal or friendly.
  • Don’t forget honesty: don’t create unnecessary expectations in the audience’s mind, because if you don’t manage to fulfill them, soon the results of all your efforts will be lost.
  • Keeping the brand up-to-date: Your business needs to move forward to stay ahead of the competition. Do not forget to follow the rules.

target community

The target community wants to deal with the branding process in full. Stay with us

  • Identify the target community

The most important step in branding is you Know your target community so you don’t waste money. It would be wrong for you to want to do branding advertising for all the people in the community because people who do not need your business will not pay attention to your branding.

So to do branding in a shorter time, hire an expert team before you start and ask them to pinpoint the target audience. In identifying the target community, you need to consider the age of the people, their interests, your needs for your business, their behavior, and even the statistics of potential customers to buy your services and business.

  • Goal setting

In the second step, you must inform the target community about the purpose of your business. By logging in to social media and generating content on your site, you need to let your audience know what your goals are for the business. It is very important for the audience what is the purpose of the companies in each field of work and what will be the benefits for the people of the society.

Identify competitors
Identify competitors
  • Identify competitors

What is very important is that you can identify your competitors and follow how they work. You can not expect to achieve significant success without considering the activity of competitors. There are many brands of your business in the country and people go for brands that are at an ideal level in terms of quality and do not abuse the trust of customers.

So you need to look at the behavior of your competitors under a magnifying glass to understand how they do branding when they started their branding business and which paths they prioritized. You can go halfway by observing how your competitors are performing without having to start from scratch.

For example, if you identify the target community through your competitors, you will save both time and money, and you can get to work faster.

Differentiate with other brands
Differentiate from other brands
  • Differentiate from other brands

Given that there are many brands in every business that are trying to outperform their competitors and want to gain as many customers as possible, the key to your success in branding is to focus on your strengths. What sets your business apart from other companies is the focus. That means proving to your customers that while many of the features of your business and product are similar to other brands, What makes your brand a priority is a special and unique feature that you have not seen in other companies and will benefit you.

Introducing the brand2
Introducing the brand2


  • Introducing the brand to the market

Now it’s time to introduce your brand to the market. Advertising strategies such as email marketing, digital branding, the use of billboards, brand printing on advertisements, television advertising, and SMS advertising, are some of the methods that help to promote the brand name in the market. This step will require a lot of energy and money. It would help if you had a strong, united, and motivated team to be careful and persistent in choosing branding methods.

Of course, any start-up brand needs a long time to come to life and be recognized as a successful brand, so you should not give up all this time and try all the branding methods. You can claim that you have reached the first stage of branding success and thus increase sales when a large number of people in the target community are attracted to your brand.

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How to have a successful branding
How to have a successful branding

How to have successful branding?

But if you compare the branding of different companies with each other, you will find that some companies have been more successful in the field of branding and in a short time have been able to gain a special place among the people. However, some of the winners, despite the high cost, due to their long history, are still at the beginning of the road and have not been able to achieve the status of reputable and famous winners.

At this point, you need to look for ways to achieve successful branding. Here are some things that will help you:

Expert team
Expert team
  • Get help from an expert team to determine the target community

When we talk about the target audience, we mean that branding should focus exactly on the audience that you are sure will be more likely to be welcomed by your business.

You need an expert team in this area. Not everyone can identify the target audience because you need to be able to identify a suitable target audience for your business by considering several criteria.

Expert Comments
Expert Comments


  • Welcome the opinions of experts

If you focus only on the opinions of some members of the group, ie the chairman and deputies, we must say that you are sorely mistaken. Everyone has different ideas about each other, and this difference allows us to choose different strategies for our branding.

Maybe we have a point of view and the employees of the company or other members of the group have thought about this issue. When we ask for their opinions, we can choose the best solutions from all the opinions. So for branding, you need teamwork, not just the words of the group’s key people.

Interact with competitors
Interact with competitors


  • Interact with your competitors

Some people look down on competitors if these competitors can give you the best solutions.

If you have a peaceful and friendly relationship with your business competitors, you can discover the secret of their business success in socializing and traveling and use them in branding. So you need to interact with your competitors, monitor their business and activities remotely, and research the quality of their services and products.

If there is a defect in your activities, fix it completely. Do not forget that a defect in your services and goods can cause you to lose a lot of customers and people, and this is at a price. Your failure in branding will end because you have to re-do all the steps of branding, with the difference that this time you have to try harder to clear the negative mentality of the audience towards you.

Brand benefits
Brand benefits


  • Focus on the benefits of your brand

Talking about the positive features of a brand makes people have a positive attitude toward it, but honesty in speech is more and more important. If you honestly tell your customers and contacts that your brand is very similar to other brands but the benefits you provide to your audience and customers are not found in any of the brands, then the audience will trust you faster and stronger and realizes that you have acted honestly in your speech and behavior.

logo design
logo design
  • Choosing a good logo and slogan is very important

At the beginning of this article, before explaining the branding process, we stated that you must first choose a suitable name and logo for your company. But in addition to these two, the slogan is also very important.

Please take a look at the TV commercials to find out that each brand has a slogan that you will remember as soon as you hear the brand name, and this is exactly what our goal of branding is. So, in consultation with an expert Carbald team, choose the right name for your brand and consider a very attractive and influential slogan for yourself.

What is the importance of digital branding?

  • Increases business value

If we can define the branding process correctly, it includes more than just selling the product. When creating a business, building a brand is very important; Because this issue is considered a very big advantage for your business, and investing in it will be attractive to everyone.
The truth is that branding is part of the process of starting a successful business. On the other hand, every idea owner should think about how to register the brand at the beginning of his journey.

  • Creating new customers

A strong brand has many positive effects on the target community and makes them empathize with you; Because during this process, they will feel more familiar and intimate with you. After registering the brand, advertising and word-of-mouth marketing will become one of the most important sources of income for you.

It doesn’t matter what business you own or what industry you operate in. If you are active in the labor market in any way, new competitors will always be created for you. That’s why to achieve success, you can’t just move forward with a uniform performance. The branding process helps you to be different, special, and unique and shows your customers why they should choose you over the competition.

  • Create brand awareness
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If you plan to have a prominent and successful brand, you should try to be known. Professional branding (designing an impressive logo, and website, and using other tools) will help you create a different style for yourself and be better known in the job market.

  • Creating a consistent brand experience for customers

Those who succeed in their business can establish an emotional connection with their target community. This emotional relationship is exactly what turns a customer into a fan. But really, how should this strong connection be established?

Surely the answer to this question is branding!

Various strategies used in brand registration will allow you to connect with your contacts on a deeper level and create a greater sense of loyalty to your business in them.

Branding constituent elements

Now that you are familiar with the concept, types, and general stages of brand introduction and registration, it is time to familiarize yourself with its main elements, which are influential in your success. This process has details that will help your audience understand more about your business. In the following, we will introduce these elements.

  • The brand statement, mission, and values

This element is the foundation of your brand. You can think of your mission statement as the heart of the operation. In this element, the current state and goal of the organization should be determined shortly and concisely.

The vision of your organization or business is like the heart of it and provides a motivational picture of what you expect in the long run.

  • Brand guidelines

Your branding strategy is created by guidelines. These procedures and instructions should be included in an accessible document and reflect your business goals. In addition, their performance includes the following:

  • Support
  • Differentiate between you and your competitors
  • Provide a template for your decisions
  • Generate ideas for future customer acquisition activities


  • Additional assets

In the science of marketing and branding, there are no one-size-fits-all guidelines for different businesses. Depending on the business and industry in which you operate, you may need additional assets such as business cards, special packaging, or advertising campaigns with different levels. Assess your business and its specific needs and create or order additional business assets based on that.

What are the effects of branding?

Branding has its effects and benefits, but in general, we talk about the effects and benefits of branding in the following three sections:

The impact of branding on marketing and sales

Branding has a significant impact on marketing and sales, which is associated with the following:

  • Stimulate the emotions of the audience
  • Omnichannel
  • Popularization of the brand
  • Differentiate your brand from other competitors
  • A feeling of closeness and intimacy with the user

The effect of branding on the success of individuals

The benefits of personal branding can be summarized as follows:

  • Gaining initial trust from the customer or audience
  • Establishing two-way and reliable communication
  • Gain credibility and value from the audience
  • Amazing effect on a person’s self-confidence
  • Focusing on authenticity and personal brand promotion

The impact of branding on business success

Branding increases the impact of the business and this issue comes with the help of the brand like a strong lever to be present in the competition scene. The value of the brand has a great impact on the customer’s mind and point of view and causes a lot of trust in the mind of the audience towards that commercial title or real person. Therefore, branding is effective in business success and should be planned for.

What is the importance of digital branding?

These days we see many innovations in the field of communication and internet platforms. Most people in the world work on these platforms, and this issue increases the importance of branding in the digital space (digital branding) many times over; Because it is necessary to introduce yourself or your desired commercial brand well by using these digital and internet tools so that you are seen more and more people get to know your brand.


In this article, we talked about what branding is and examined its types. In today’s world, there are many tools to gain a position and establish it in the mind of the audience, but the main spark of this happens in branding; That is, the more accurate and honest you define yourself, the more people will associate with you and the voice of your brand. So it is better to start branding today when you have fewer competitors.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is branding?

Branding is the process of giving meaning to the organization, company, products, or services by creating and shaping a brand in the minds of consumers.

  • How to build a brand?

As we explained in the article, branding has 6 main and basic steps: Identify the target audience. Determine your goal. Determine your values. Create visual assets, find the brand voice, and finally fire up the branding engine.

In this article, we talked about What is branding and why is it important. If you have experienced dual branding, share it with us.

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