Tik Tok embargo was lifted for Iranian users

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TikTok lifted its embargo against Iranian users and now this platform is available to users with Iranian IP using VPN.

The TikTok platform, which was not accessible to Iranian users due to the embargo on Iran by ByteDance, is now available to Iranian users after the embargo has been lifted. Of course, access to this platform, like any other popular international platform, is possible only by using a VPN due to the presence of filtering.

Previously, users who wanted to use TikTok with an Iranian IP had to use the modded version or the Chinese version of this platform, which only supported the Chinese language, instead of the original version.

Now, the removal of this sanction by ByteDance allows Iranian users to use the original version of the TikTok application, of course, using a VPN due to internal filtering.

It is still not possible to register and log in to TikTok with an Iranian mobile number, and users cannot enter a mobile number with an Iranian country code like Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, etc., and register in this social network.

Iranian users who intend to use TikTok can enter their email when registering and creating an account on this platform.

Tik Tok is currently one of the most popular and widely used platforms in the world. According to the latest published statistics, this social network now has more than one billion monthly active users in the world. Lifting the embargo on this platform for Iranian users can increase the number of users of this network in Iran.

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