Brand development process + 10 brand development strategy

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In defining a brand, we must say that the brand is the name, title, symbol, or design that can reveal the identity of your business to the audience at a glance. If you have a strong brand in mind, you will get more customers. Your brand plays a big role in your branding and marketing and will ensure your success.

Unfortunately, we know many brands that have not been able to achieve much resilience among competitors due to failure in brand selection and brand development process and fail in a short period. So having chosen a strong brand and on the other hand designing the brand personality and determining the brand strategies, we must now move on to brand development.

In this article, we will talk to you about the brand development process.

brand development process

What does the brand development process mean?

Choosing a brand alone is not the first step to achieving a very important position among the people. We have to think we are new and there are a lot of old competitors for us.

So we have to make a lot of efforts to be able to present to the audience our goals and values better than before to attract them through trust and turn them into loyal customers. The process of presenting our values, quality, and business goals to our customers, which makes us more and more our customers, is called brand development.

Examine the key parts of the brand development process

In general, brand development consists of four parts each of which can contribute to your brand development. These sections are:

  • Brand strategy

Once you have identified a brand for your business and on the other hand have shaped the brand personality well, you need to move on to the brand strategy. The system of methods you use to brand and present your brand to the target community is known as a brand strategy. These strategies determine exactly where you need to go to present your brand to the public and of course act intentionally for brand development.

  • Brand Identity

The identity or personality of the brand will determine the goals and values of your work. Do not doubt that among the various brands in the world, people go to the ones that best meet their needs, so it is important that people know your goals and values. In brand development, you need to present a set of goals and values for your work and convey those goals to people when branding or branding.

  • Graphic Design

When we talk about the brand development process, we are not just talking about choosing a brand and expressing the business goals and values of the business, but you should pay attention to the beauty of the logo you choose for your brand and brand design. . If after a while you realize that this logo can not have a positive effect on the audience, it is better to change it a little.

Of course, when discussing logo design, keep in mind that if you intend to make changes to it, the changes should not be too drastic and make a huge difference between the previous logo and the new logo, because then the audience can not understand that the current logo is relevant. Same old brand.

  • Brand management
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The most important principle in the brand development process is brand management. All strategies, decisions, targeting of employees’ activities, and even determining advertising methods, must be conducted in an orderly, accurate, and completely planned manner so that they can finally reach the ultimate goal of brand development and branding success.

Brand development

10 steps of brand development strategy

Your brand is known among people due to the services that your company provides. The strength of your brand is measured by its visibility; There is another important aspect of your brand: its relevance to your target audience.

1. business strategy definition

A strong and distinctive brand makes your company’s growth much easier.

  • But what kind of company do you want?
  • Is your plan to grow the company naturally without advertising?

Your overall business strategy is the context for your brand development strategy, so this is the starting point. If you know what your company’s vision is, your branding strategy will help you get there.

2. Identification of target audience

Who are your target customers? If you say “everyone” you will make a big mistake. Research has shown that companies with high growth and profits focus on having specific target customers. The more accurate the focus is on the target audience, the faster the company grows. The more diverse the audience, the less effective your marketing efforts will be; So how do you know that you have chosen the right target customer group? This is where you enter the next step.

3. Research the target customer group.

Companies that systematically research their target customer groups grow faster and are more profitable.

Research helps you to understand the views and priorities of your target customer, anticipate their needs, and express your message in a language that is effective for them. Also, this research shows what customers think about the strengths of your current company and brand. In this way, the marketing risk associated with brand development is significantly reduced.

4. Develop your brand position.

You are now ready to determine the position of your brand in the professional market of your business (market position). The question that arises here is, what is the difference between your company and others, and why should potential customers choose to cooperate with you?

The brand positioning statement is usually three to five sentences and shows the essence of your brand positioning. This statement must be applicable in reality and you can plan for it. Because you have to keep your promise. It should also create a passion for you so that you can strive for it.

5. Develop your own messaging strategy.

Your next step is a messaging strategy that conveys your brand’s position to your target audience. Your target audience typically includes potential customers, potential employees, new sources of investment, or other potential influencers and partners.

While your brand’s core position should be the same for all audiences, each audience will be interested in different aspects of it. The messages sent to each audience emphasize the most important points of your brand. Each audience has specific needs that need to be addressed and needs a different reason to follow your messages. Your messaging strategy should address all of these needs. This is an important step in connecting your brand with the target audience.

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6. Develop your name, logo, and slogan.

For many companies, a name change is not necessary. But if you are a new company, or you are merging with another company or your brand name is no longer suitable for your position, changing the name may be a good suggestion. Even if you don’t change your company name, a new logo and trademark may work better to support your business position.

Remember, your company name, logo and slogan are not your brand name. They are part of your brand identity, these components are ways to communicate or build your brand symbol. You have to live them to make them real.

Read more: The brand name development process

And don’t make the mistake of showing the new logo inside the company to reach a consensus; The name, logo, and slogan are not yours. They are for your market and you should think about how they communicate with the audience, not how much your colleagues and partners like them.

7. Content marketing strategy development.

Content marketing is especially suitable for professional service companies in the Internet age. This method does everything that traditional marketing does more effectively. and uses valuable educational content to attract, nurture and qualify prospects.

Remember that the strength of your brand is both reputation and considerable visibility. Developing a vision alone, without building a reputation, is rarely successful. This is why traditional “awareness” campaigns or sponsorships often have disappointing results. On the other hand, content marketing increases both visibility and reputation. It is also a great way to connect your brand with your target audience.

8. Website development

Your website alone is the most important tool for developing your brand. Your site is where the audience will find out what you do, how you do it, and who are your customers. The company’s potential customers will not choose you based on your website alone. But if your site conveys the wrong message, you may be rejected.

In addition, your website hosts your valuable content. Content that attracts the attention of search engines (SEO) so that potential customers, potential employees, and new investors find you and learn about your company. Online content is the core of any new brand development strategy.

These days, websites come in two forms. The first type is a branding site. Such a site tells your story and tells who you are, what your services are, and for whom it is suitable. In short, it conveys your brand message. Other types, in addition to doing the above tasks, attract and grow potential new customers. We call these high-performing websites.

9. Create your own marketing tool.

The next step in this process is to create a marketing tool. These tools may include single-page “sales pages” that describe core or key services. In addition, it is possible to define the company profile or the main services in a summary form in a presentation, although all this is in the form of an electronic brochure, and hardly anyone prints brochures.

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These marketing tools increasingly include videos. Common video topics include overviews, case studies, or “meet the partners” videos. Providing key services is also very useful. If these tools are properly prepared, they not only develop the business but are also important for brand development.

10. Planning, implementation, and follow-up

The last step in the brand development process may be one of the most important. Obviously, a successful brand development strategy is not very useful if it is never implemented. You might be surprised how often this happens. A comprehensive brand development strategy is planned with all the good goals that the company can achieve; But then the reality shows itself: people are busy working with customers and brand development tasks are postponed.

What are the reasons for the importance of the brand development process?

There are still all businesses that despite several years of experience, have not made any change to the brand name, logo design, brand design, and advertising slogan and continue to operate with the same strategies. These people do not pay attention to the brand development process.

To understand how much the brand development process helps your branding, it is important to know the importance of doing this:

  • Because technology and technology are advancing so fast, and as a result, the world is changing dramatically, the brand development process is important to keep pace with the needs and tastes of the people and thus achieve great fame.
  • The brand development process allows you to provide more information about your brand to the public, and it helps to gain their attention and trust, and retain loyal customers.
  • When it comes to brand development, you can grow your business and connect with other companies. You will even be able to do interdisciplinary business.
  • Another advantage of brand development is that it differentiates the number 1 brand from its competitors. When you can make your logo design and brand name more special, there is a strong difference between your business and competitors that people will notice once they see your brand name, logo design, and advertising slogan.


In this article, we defined the brand development process and introduced 10 branding development strategies that have been used by big brands in the era of modern communication and marketing. If you have read this article to the end, then you are determined to develop your brand and you should be congratulated. But we must remember that developing a brand and formulating a successful brand development strategy requires constant study and work.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the brand development process?

  • Developing the right and regular strategy for your business
  • Providing the tools needed to achieve business goals
  • Brand update

2. What are the important strategies for brand development?

  • Determine the overall business strategy.
  • Know the needs of the audience.
  • Determine your target audience.

3. What does content marketing strategy mean?

This type of content production produces new and attractive content that both show the needs of the audience and helps to sell the product.

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