What is your brand personality?

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If you have just decided to start a business, we suggest you check the reputation of competing brands before you go into branding methods. In this case, you will find that some of them have become so popular and trusted that they have even managed to capture the mentality of the people, and when people are asked about these brands, they will quickly mention the specific characteristics of famous brands.

One of the factors that influence the audience’s attention to the brand is the brand personality, which we will talk about in this article.

brand personality

what is your brand personality?

To illustrate the character of the brand, let’s start with an example. For example, suppose you want dairy products from the Mihan brand. When you drink milk or consume yogurt and cheese from this product or when you want to eat ice cream, you do not pay attention to the brand name and do not constantly say in your head that you consume native products.

Regardless of the type of packaging and its appearance, you just enjoy eating this drink or product and you are sure that you are consuming a quality product. So as you can see, people do not pay attention to a brand name during the day when they use it, it is just important for them to choose a good brand and now they are meeting their needs with the brand.

This is when the brand personality comes to your aid so that your brand will have a positive impact on public opinion forever. The brand personality is an image of your brand that is created in the audience’s consciousness and will be a reflection of your values and goals.

In the example given of Mihan products, if you ask the fans of this brand why they use this brand, they will quickly mention some of its special features, including taste, quality, and of course standards in manufacturing and packaging products.

However, those same people do not think about these features at all when using these products, as these factors are etched in their minds forever and are the most important criteria for buying. Therefore, as can be seen, the Mihan brand has managed to engrave its brand in the public consciousness and gain its trust through the brand personality.

what is brand personality

Reasons for the importance of brand personality

But let’s note some important reasons to focus on the brand personality. Maybe now you have the mentality that investing in a brand personality is not very effective because the audience does not pay much attention to it, but we give you some reasons that show how much dealing with the brand personality can affect your branding and ultimately. Bring your business closer to success:

  • As we have said, not all people pay attention to the characteristics of a brand when using it. Once a brand seems to them to be quality and guaranteed, they do not go for other brands and as long as they are confident in the quality of the brand you have chosen, they will use all its services. So as you can see, even though people do not have a brand name when they use a brand’s products and services, they always maintain that personality. So the personality of a brand will determine the loyalty of your customers.


  • Do not forget the brand personality position on the success rate of branding in your business. The brand personality can be the best winner among the competitors. Your competitors are working on their brand personality so that they can always create a positive image in the minds of the audience. If that happens then they will find loyal customers and these people will never come to your brand again.
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  • In reading this article, you may have the mentality that the goal of brand personality is to gain the trust and attention of the target audience and community, but do not forget that the third effect of brand personality is related to issues within the organization. When you define a complete and comprehensive brand of your brand for employees, everyone knows what your business goals are and as a result, they are more accurate in performing their job.

Consider the different dimensions of the brand personality:

A very interesting point that we need to talk about at the end of the article is the discussion of the dimensions of brand personality. To better understand this, let’s compare the personalities of human beings. No two people are alike. They are all different in temperament, behavior, and even though, and the totality of these factors constitutes the personality of human beings.

The same goes for branding. Based on the business goals, values, and of course the needs of the target community, you need to define the dimensions of your brand personality and then you can use these dimensions for your branding because if you can know all the dimensions of your brand personality to the audience, they can better understand whether this brand Will meet their needs or not?

Brand personality models

Brand personality models
Brand personality models



  1. self-expression Model

The premise of this model is that some brands for us, the customers, play a role as a means of showing our personality to others. That’s why we buy and use brands that have the personality we want.
The personality we want. According to this model, the target audience of the product must first be analyzed to understand what personality traits they are looking for in purchasing the product.
For example, if we are working on designing the personality of a car brand, we must know how the target customers of this car brand would like to be seen by other people and what kind of personality they have so that the same personality traits can be. designed for branding.
The important thing here is that this method is intended for products with which the consumer is heavily involved. This model is also done with open questionnaires and in some cases as a qualitative study.
  1. Relationship Basis Model

The main point of this style is that we like to hang out with people who have our favorite personalities. Therefore, a psychological analysis of the brand’s target audience is conducted to determine their interest in communication.
For example, the personality of the Pepsi brand is designed based on the model that many consumers of the Pepsi brand like to spend their free time with people who are young and happy, cheerful and cheerful, even if they do not have such a personality. . very features. So they develop the personality of the Pepsi brand.
This method is very helpful in creating an identity for service companies, such as banks and travel companies. The interview process is very effective in this example.
For example, when designing a bank’s personality, if we can understand the brand’s audience, with whom they are willing to put their money, or who they trust with their finances, common points are the right questions about the will of the brand’s personality. . show us
Previous work experience has shown that this approach, designing questions and checking answers that indirectly deal with personality, is very important. Therefore, be sure to use experts in brand and psychology together.
  1. The functional benefit representation model

The previous two personality models were designed based on the personality interests of target groups. But the third type is designed based on the practical benefits of the brand’s a product/service.
The first analysis is done on the brand identity and the psychological characteristics of the product, and finally, the results of the analysis show us what the consumer of this product wants to gain from the product’s personality and what it promises. You accept this role.
For example, consumers of the Harley-Davidson brand buy a motorcycle that is distinctive, powerful, and special. This means that they are looking for a masculine, free, unique, and independent personality.
Also, the personality of the brand shows the practical benefits of the product. For example, the Energizer battery uses an active rabbit mascot or character to promote itself, which never gets tired, thus combining the characteristics of the brand and the product in our minds.
The above three models require studying the brand audience and then a detailed analysis of the product-related characteristics, and at the end of the process, you are faced with a series of different personality traits that should be shaped like your personality. brand, and in addition to coordination, you should identify priorities and find time to become the human trait of a trusted brand.
The problem with this method is the openness of the requirements and the diversity of the resulting features. After all, what we have in common are the personal features that lead us to adapt and develop people, with elements of our unique identity, but other models have certain options from the beginning and we can check up. Follow the same options.
One of the most famous of these models is Jennifer Acker’s five-dimensional model, known as the Big Five. Jennifer Acker believed that there are five main dimensions according to which human personality can be classified, and of course, each of these five personality types also has subgroups that show us fifteen different aspects of the brand.
These five main areas are intimacy, arousal, competition, professionalism, and power, respectively. Each of these dimensions is divided into subsets.

Intimacy involves being genuine, direct, cheerful, and friendly.
Fun means bold, free, creative, and important.
Competencies include being reliable, intelligent, and successful.
Expertise includes access to and attractiveness to the successful strata of society.
Strength also includes belonging to a free and stable environment.

In this module, you have a checklist containing 15 personality dimensions, which will greatly simplify your brand personality research task. The public can choose one or more to choose the personality of your brand.
In this way, instead of asking the open-ended questions that were used in the previous 3 models, here, the questions are closed and the research and summarizing are done easily.
Later, using Acker’s model, Geuens and colleagues (Geuens et al., 2009) presented a model whose main function is to assess the personality of a brand, and the five dimensions of this model are responsibility, being active, being sensitive, being straightforward, and being aggressive.
Many articles since 2010 have compared these two models, but what is important for branding agencies are the methods and models that allow them to evaluate the personality of an existing brand or create a personality for a new brand.
There are other models of brand evaluation and creation that are based on psychological theories. After the idea of ​​the relationship between human personality and brand was raised in brand discussions, many people began to design models to create a brand personality or to identify brand personality through these psychological concepts.
For example, the model based on archetypes derived from Jung’s famous theory is the most popular of these models. Carl Gustav Jung believed that the human soul consists of three parts:
  • they are confident
  • The person is unconscious
  • The social unconscious
What exists in the collective unconscious is called an archetype, which is the most famous concept in Jung’s analytical psychology. He first proposed this term in 1919.
Jung described the archetype as follows: “Interior and internal images, which are the same across cultures and generations, return to meanings of human experience that we have not created ourselves.
It seems that these elements and meanings are eternal. Archetypes are common symbols for the collective unconscious of all humanity.
Archetypes are not learned or acquired, but they can be understood and recognized naturally from birth by everyone from any country or culture.
Mark and Pearson took the concept of Jung’s archetype, divided it into 12 archetypes by Campbell, and defined 12 personality types for the brand.
Therefore, in this way they can understand the characteristics and functions of the target brand. This duo believes that all logo designers can manage their brand personality with this model. In this model, each character is preceded by an opposite character:

12 brand personality archetypes:


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1. Creator: imagination; The gift of self-expression and the release of the inner artist Like Lego and IKEA brands.

2. every man: One is like everything. it’s ours. A sense that all people are equal. like a fiat.

3. Sage: Knowledge and mastery. People understand. He acts mature and leans towards education and thinking. Like Bosh and Ural B.


4. Jester: We promise happy and smiling people a good time. He says what others dare not say. Fanta, Chituzu, etc.


5. Ruler: It represents power, prestige, reliability, and high status. Like Mercedes, Sheraton.


6. rebel: He is protesting and breaking the rules. Like diesel, lilac.


7. Innocent: simple stands for goodness and honesty. Find easy solutions to complex problems. Like the Dow, Walker.


8. Explorer: Exploring the world and joy. It reinvents itself by discovering new things. Like Jeep, Miles, and Smiles.


9. Magician: He promises to change and transformation and the miracles he creates. Like Apple, and Google.


10. Lover: Representing love, beauty, and emotion. He likes to be with people. Like Axe, Alfa Romeo.


11. Hero: Accomplishing specials that promise to save the world and accomplish goals. Like Nike, Domestos.


12. Caregiver: We help others. He gives value and power to others as much as himself. Like a Volvo.


In this model, you can determine the boundaries of the brand’s characteristics by posing questions, depending on the level of existence of the two characteristics of freedom in the brand – legal and social – personality about competitors and the brand’s position about competitors. to the audience.

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The personality type brand is often created in the presence of the visual and auditory elements of the brand and the message, and the components are created by it. Therefore, the individuality of the race makes our activities compatible.
It should not be forgotten that integrated marketing communication (advertisement, public relations, sales promotion, etc.) is the emotional identity element that is necessary to succeed in creating a brand identity in the minds of consumers.
Brand (brand name, logo, slogan), website front page, packaging, etc.) has the quality of a brand.
So once you’ve designed your brand personality, it’s very important to stick to it in all your marketing efforts. Brand personality benefits a company when the characteristics of the company’s products are very similar.
Therefore, the accuracy in its design can be very helpful in the process of creating the special brand and improving variables such as brand awareness, brand advertising, value recognition, and brand loyalty.

In this article, we talked about What is your brand personality, but we think that we can still use your experience to produce a better and more comprehensive article.
Share your experiences with us.

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