How to Turn Photo to Cartoon Effect with Photoshop 2024

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Photoshop, as one of the most important photo editing tools, has provided users with the possibility of making many changes in photos. Using this software, people can make the photos in their desired shape. The available solutions for changing photos in this software are sometimes so simple that they can be done with just one click, but sometimes they are so complicated that we need hours of time.

In this article, we are going to talk about How to Turn Photo to Cartoon Effect with Photoshop and teach you how to do this in the shortest possible time. If you are interested in learning this technique as soon as possible, join us.

How to Turn Photo to Cartoon Effect
How to Turn Photo to Cartoon Effect

How to Turn Photo to Cartoon Effect with Photoshop

Two methods can be used to turn a photo into a cartoon character with Photoshop. In fact, it can be said that you decide which of these methods to implement is entirely up to you.

These methods include cartooning a photo manually and cartooning a photo using a plugin. In the following, we will briefly teach you each of these methods so that you can change the desired normal photos to cartoon photos in the shortest possible time.

How to Turn Photo to Cartoon Effect
How to Turn Photo to Cartoon Effect with Photoshop

How to turn a photo into a cartoon with Photoshop using the plug-in method

If for any reason you don’t want to spend a lot of time making cartoon photos, maybe making a cartoon photo using a plugin is a good option for you.
In fact, it can be said that plugins allow you to make your desired changes in your photos with just a few clicks without spending a lot of time.
Of course, keep in mind that in order to use plugins, you need to download and install them. Because there is no cartoon effect in Photoshop software. For this, you need to do the following steps.

  1. After installing the cartoon plugin on Photoshop, it is necessary to open this software and activate the Actions option from the “Windows” section. You need to know that for this you can even use the combination keys “Alt+F9” to see a new panel in the left toolbar. 
  2. Open the action panel to see the available after-actions. Now select the More option and select “Load Action“. 
  3. After you have found the cartoon action, click on the “Load” option so that the desired action will be converted into your Photoshop options. 
  4. Congratulations, you have succeeded in turning a photo into a cartoon character with Photoshop with just a few clicks. This method is one of the fastest methods available to apply changes to photos, which can save a lot of time. 
  5. For whatever reason, you may feel you no longer need the plugin installed. In such a situation, clicking on the trash icon can help you to delete it.
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How to Turn Photo to Cartoon Effect
how to turn a photo to cartoon in photoshop

The manual method of converting a photo into a cartoon with Photoshop

Changing a photo into a cartoon character with Photoshop manually is one of the most important methods available to help you change your photos the way you want them to be. To be able to cartoonize your photos manually, you only need a cartoon effect and make a series of color changes.

In most cartoon photos, the background is plain and white. So if your photo has a cluttered background, the best thing to do is to make a change. After applying the necessary changes in order to save the changed photo, you can click on any photo and select the “Save Image As” option. In the following, we will tell you how you can cartoonize the desired photo manually.

  • Change to RGB mode – 8 bit

It may seem a little strange, but you should know that in some Photoshop software, you can only animate photos that are RGB-8 bit. In the first step of converting a photo into a cartoon character with Photoshop, it is necessary to manually activate the “RGB – 8 bit” options after entering the “Image” section and then “Mode“.

  • Copy the background

In the next step, you will need to create two layers which you can select to copy by pressing Control + J. You need to save the photo by clicking “Save As” at the end of the work.

  • Apply Surface Blur

By clicking on the bottom layer, choose the desired cartoon color. Don’t forget that detail is not important in cartoon photos, so you don’t need to focus on too much detail.

By clicking on the eye icon, you will be able to hide the top layer. Enter the menu and select Filter, Blur and Surface Blur respectively. Interestingly, Surface Blur allows you to blur any part you want without changing the rest. A window will open. In this window, just change Radius to 100 to have a blurred color layer.

  • Apply Stamp Filter on top layer
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In this step, you need to click on the eye icon to display the upper layer. In “Toolbox“, choose black and white colors for foreground and background, respectively.

In the next step, it is enough to enter the “Filter” section and select the “Filter Gallery” option.

Enter the “Sketch” category and select the “Stamp Effect” option. Then adjust the slider and click “OK“.

  • Change mode from Blend to Multiply

In the fifth step of how to turn a photo into a cartoon character with Photoshop, you need to enter the layers panel and click on the layer you want to edit.

In the next step, enter the “Blending Option” section. Change the “Blend Mode” option from “Normal” to “Multiply“. At the end of this step, your photo will be a cartoon.

  • Cleaning the stamp layer with a brush

If your stamp layer is too cartoonish, there is a white brush that you can use to clean up and edit this layer as you wish.

  • Playing with Vibrance and Saturation

In the last step of converting a photo into a cartoon character with Photoshop, it is necessary to set the color of the created cartoon character as you want.
To do this, you can first enter “Adjustments” and then “Vibrance“. To increase “Vibrance” just move between the sliders enough to find your desired color. At the end, save the output in PSD format. You can also choose JPEG format.

How to Turn Photo to Cartoon Effect
how to turn a photo to cartoon in photoshop


In this article, we examined the how to turn a photo to cartoon with Photoshop and taught both available methods to make this change. We hope that according to the mentioned points, you can turn your favorite photo into a beautiful cartoon photo in a short period of time.

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Frequently Asked Questions how to turn a photo to cartoon

  • Is it possible to cartoonize photos using Image Cartoonizer software?

Yes; Using this software will help you to cartoonize your photos without needing Photoshop.

  • Has the iToon software provided the possibility of simple conversion of photos to cartoons for those interested?

Yes; Using this software, you can cartoonize your photos easily and in the shortest possible time.

  • Is the quality of converting photos to cartoons better with Gimp or Photoshop?

Definitely, the quality of the photos that are made into cartoons using Photoshop software is much higher.

  • Should we choose the manual method to convert a photo into a cartoon character with Photoshop or a plugin?

The answer to this question is entirely up to you. It will definitely be easier and simpler to turn a photo into a cartoon character using a plugin.

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