8 Steps of personal branding

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Principles Personal branding is more than just your name, identity, and image. Personal branding is everything you do to

differentiate yourself in the marketplace, such as your messages, your presentations, and your marketing tactics. What you do to differentiate yourself in the marketplace is called personal branding.


self awareness and personal branding

Before we ask how to do personal branding, we need to know what personal branding means. Personal branding or personal branding is how a person relies on their characteristics and skills (such as a brand that relies on product characteristics) and brands it. Personal branding has received a lot of attention today, especially among the people of the world. The most obvious example is the branding of ancient times, the same celebrities who never wanted to brand if they lived in today’s world.


Abu Rihan Biruni is the brand of mathematics and astronomy and Abu Ali Sina is the brand of medical science, education, and mathematics, Rumi is the brand of Persian poetry and literature and Dr. Hesabi is the brand of mathematics and physics. There are many such celebrities in Iran and all over the world. However, what led to the creation of personal branding, the emergence of social networks in the world and much more in Iran, has been one of the factors in the seriousness of personal branding.

8 Steps of personal branding
8 Steps of personal branding


Because the cheapness or cheapness of social networks and the level of easy access to them have made personal branding decisions more serious. Few of us have been trained to think of ourselves as a brand. At some point in time, we build a new brand based on market demand, we seldom know how to create positive perceptions in the minds of others, and few of us have learned to define our jobs and create a career path at all.

We need to know that we can even create new jobs and new career paths and have a strong feeling about these jobs, and the point that should be considered in the path of personal branding is that the person who wants to go through this path must have a personal branding mentality. Find. A personal branding mentality means knowing that personal ability and performance are important but not enough.


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What are the steps of personal branding?

1. Get rid of annoying thoughts.

For personal branding, before any action, you should clear your mind of all margins and get rid of annoying thoughts. Now that you’ve got rid of annoying thoughts, take a step closer to building your brand, close your eyes, and imagine what you see in personal branding as your bright future. What mental image do you have of your future? What success should this brand bring to you?


2. What are your skills?

Based on what you imagine, first name your skills, which include education, career-related experiences, professional abilities, and what you can offer people as a business (your specialty) that is the key to your success. For personal branding, your business, as well as your expertise, must be specific and not presented by someone else or with the quality that you offer can not be offered anywhere and by any person.


3. Have you thought about your values?

You need to define your values. These values include what you have. Such as family, money, specialization, personal rankings, etc. Then prioritize them and see which is more important to you. Decide now. What makes you happy and willing to not even get paid for it, but with the experience you have, do it with enthusiasm? This desire is to achieve high levels of success and the same brand that you want to be personal and for yourself.


4. How is your personality?

After these steps, evaluate your personality from the perspective of yourself and others. Surely you know that the way others see you is completely different from the way you look at yourself. You will succeed if you know how others view you.


5. Put your values, skills, and personality together.

Can you put your values, skills, and personality together? When your branding work is over and you have to choose between one or two to gain fame and fortune, can you? For example, if you want to be the best captain of a warship, if you have chosen family as one of your values, you should know that you may have to live six months away from your family sometimes to achieve this skill. In this case, does not your skill affect your values? If you have an emotional and family-oriented personality, does not your chosen skill overshadow your emotions? This step of building a personal brand is very important and you must make the right choice so that you will not be harmed in the future.

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personal branding
personal branding


6. Do not forget to communicate with others.

You need to strengthen your connection with your friends and acquaintances and try to connect with new people for your skills. Apart from branding, human beings are social beings and can grow with society. Working with people who need your help will help you succeed.


7. Social networks and sites are the keys to your success.

Building a website is one of the most powerful success factors in your personal branding. It is the key to personal branding. On a personal website, you can introduce your resume and the services you provide to many people. Presence on social media can be important for the second time after building a website. Because you can invite different people to the site through social networks or force them to come to the site in some way with links related to the site. To do this, you can select interesting topics and content and put your brief links at the end of your social media content. In this case, your channel members will visit the site and your site traffic will increase and you can get to the first pages of different browsers.


8. Email signature design

For personal branding, you must have a signature at the end of your email. Email signature means using your first and last name, email and photo title, contact numbers, website and social media address, and end of the text of your emails. This is one of the most important steps in ensuring your personal branding success.


Personal branding for people is done to achieve more success; It is more success, for some it is earning more, for some, it is gaining fame and for others, it is gaining respect. Succeeding in personal branding means that you have to become the person you deserve. It is necessary for each person to have their idea, or to be more precise, for each person to sell an exceptional offer for themselves, just like what is in branding for a product. This offer can be a particular point of view or style. However, we must find the factor in us that makes us different and attractive in the market.

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An individual brand is a positive expectation; a commitment to your target market that has a dominant position in the minds of your customers. An individual brand is part of your assets, part of the audience mentality that no one else can compete with.



In personal branding, your ability to be seen is more important than your ability. You may not like this because we are all proud of our skills and talents. If this is not the case and you are not proud of yourself, it is better to leave the business you work for. . On the other hand, if you do not show yourself consistently and appropriately, you will lose the business to lower-quality competitors who are more visible.

The first step in attracting a project is to be seen by the client so that they can involve you in their decisions. This does not happen because you accept yourself; Potential customers have no way of knowing you. This is illogical, but visibility increases your credibility.

When people see your face name constantly, they think you have to be more successful and therefore better than other companies providing services they have never seen before (if I did not know him then, it could not be very good). The ability to be seen affects the perception of others of your competence. The companies that are more in the eyes of the audience will have more contacts, so if you can be seen more, it will be easy to predict the future.
The individual brand is your weapon in the battle to be seen. Your personal brand keeps your audience visible and constantly reminds them of who you are and what you do, which is why it is so important to promote your brand. If you do not keep your brand in front of your target market members, they will think so. You’ve left your business, so you’m amazed at how quickly people forget. Of course, we are sure that ability is important. When you start a business, your ability to execute and create value helps you maintain your company and make it a place for your audience. But visibility allows the audience to enter through the door, and capability keeps them for you for years. Just like love and marriage, you can not have one without the other.


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